United Local High School Principal Bill Young Goes to China: April 6-24, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Temple of Heaven

The Temple of Heaven is yet another marvel in China.  It was built during the Ming Dynasty in 1420.  While its name speaks of heaven, it has little to do with religion.  It is more literally about the sky.  There was a belief at the time, however, that by offering animal sacrifices to the sun god and rain god, the gods would in return provide for a harvest that would sustain their people. So, you could say the Temple of Heaven was a type of agricultural investment.  The emperor would come from his home in the Forbidden City twice each year (during the winter solstice and during the spring festival).  As was the case with the Forbidden City, a photo can do very little to represent the vastness of the Temple of Heaven.  Made up of many different intricate buildings, walkways and structures, the size, including what is now used as a public park, is comparable to an amusement park in size.  Visiting these sites, however, takes one far beyond amusement.     

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing, Bill - it's great to keep up with your adventures and learn something along the way!


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